About Us

Who We Are

The Bridge is a family, and just like a family we are multi generational. From 2 to 102 you will be welcomed with open arms and find a place to call home.

The Bridge is a church where change takes place.

Rather than being a building where people far from God are met with shame, guilt, and condemnation, Jesus leads us to be a family that extends His grace, mercy, and forgiveness to everyone. No matter what you’ve been through or what questions you might have, we want you to be a part of the family.

The Bridge exists to help people get to their other side. From lost to found, broken to whole, anger to love, addicted to set free.

Our Mission

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Our Sunday services are an opportunity for people to come and enjoy time together—whether it’s their first time or they’ve been coming for years. Being in community impacts lives and reminds us that we can’t do life alone.

Our Values

We Value Grace

It’s About Belonging

We Value Growing Relationships

It’s About The Journey

We Value All Generations

It’s About Everyone

We Value God's Leading

It's About Today

We Value Generosity

It's About Others

We believe the easiest way to get to your other side is by. . .

The idea of connecting is simple. None of us want to go through life alone. It is never clearer that we can’t do life alone then when we are trying to navigate or overcome obstacles on our own. Undoubtedly, God desires for us to be connected to Him in a daily relationship, but He also intended for us to connect with other Christians, who will to stand with and encourage us along the way.

You need the relationships that you build here at The Bridge. These are the friends, leaders, and mentors that God has placed in your life to help you get to the other side. Simply, we believe that Connected People Do Life Together. This is why we have developed many opportunities for you and your family to connect with other believers. From services and small groups to church events, we want you to get connected!

As important as connecting is for you and your family, we can’t forget about the equally important need to grow. The only way that you will reach the heights that God desires for you is by placing yourself in a position and environment to grow. Perhaps you’ve heard the old saying, ”if you aren’t growing, then you’re dying.” Many of us find that our current way of life is not working, and it has become painfully clear that we are in desperate need of change.

It is in this moment that we must choose to grow. We believe that Growing People Change. Many of us find that the reason our lives are not where we want them is because we have forgotten a basic principle: we must daily choose to nurture our relationship with God so that we can grow spiritually strong. It is through this commitment to spiritual growth that we are able to arrive safely on the other side. This is why the involvement of you and your family in our weekly Growth Groups and Wednesday Night ministries are crucial to your spiritual growth and will help you get to the other side.

Connecting and growing are important in helping us discover where we need to go and getting us ready to get there, and serving is often the vehicle used to transport us there. As Christians, we are all responsible for being ministers and distributers of God’s word. When you study the word “ministry,” you discover that at the core of its meaning is this idea of serving. In scripture, we are reminded that even Jesus made it His mission to serve.

Jesus understood that by serving, ministry was being fulfilled. When we choose to fully embrace what it means to be a Christian, we are agreeing to a life of service and ministry to others. It is through a life of service and recognizing the value of those we are serving, that we are able to truly reach the place that God wants us to be. The bottom line is, Saved People, Serve People. We believe that your decision to serve in one of the many ministries at The Bridge, will help you get to where God wants you.